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  1. Which Meal Plan is Right for Me?

    Which Meal Plan is Right for Me?

  2. 9 Celebrities Who Went All-In on the Keto Diet

    9 Celebrities Who Went All-In on the Keto Diet

    There’s a reason why the keto diet has been spiking in popularity. The diet calls for eating very few carbs and high fat, which forces the body into a state of ketosis. When our bodies reach ketosis, they burn fat instead of sugar, which can result in significant and rapid weight loss. Because of that, many celebrities have found success using it, too. Here are 9 celebrities who went all-in on the keto diet (and are fitter and healthier as a result).

  3. 9 Wellness Vacations You Deserve to Take

    9 Wellness Vacations You Deserve to Take

    You’ve fought hard to get where you are. It’s taken commitment, inner strength and a whole lot of grit. You deserve a reward — make it a wellness-themed vacation. Wellness vacations are vacations that center around your health and wellness through exercise and activity. They’re the perfect getaway to celebrate your newfound health — maybe even take it to the next level. We’ve rounded up the best 9 wellness vacations you deserve to take (really).

  4. Intermittent Fasting: Is This a Diet Trend Worth Exploring?

    Intermittent Fasting: Is This a Diet Trend Worth Exploring?

    Every year, there’s some new diet craze that has everyone buzzing. For 2018, it seems to be “intermittent fasting." So what is it? Intermittent fasting is the idea that by cycling our bodies through strategic periods of starvation mode, it will help us lose weight. During the starvation-mode period, intermittent fasting requires that you eat almost no calories.Then, during the rest of the day, you'll consume all of the day’s calories. Intermittent fasting focuses on when to eat, and not necessarily what to eat. So is this trend worth trying? Let's find out.

  5. 7 Key Things to Look for in a Personal Trainer

    7 Key Things to Look for in a Personal Trainer

    Personal trainers can play a big role in not only creating a personalized fitness plan, but also in helping you maximize your time at the gym and do so safely and effectively. When choosing a personal trainer, you should keep in mind several considerations to ensure that you’re getting someone who will help you reach your goals. With that in mind, we rounded up the 7 things to look for in a personal trainer, qualities that are sure to help you learn how to make a lasting lifestyle change.

  6. Why We Gain Weight as We Age (And 5 Ways to Prevent It)

    Why We Gain Weight as We Age (And 5 Ways to Prevent It)

    Remember your 20s? Ah, the good old days when we could eat whatever we wanted and not gain a pound. So, what happened? The older we get, the easier (and more likely) we are to pack on extra pounds, even if we eat healthy and try to exercise. And the changes that take place in our bodies to set the stage for this, can happen as early as age 30! What?! Fear not! Read on to find out why it happens; and, even more importantly, how you can prevent it!

  7. 24 Hours of Weight Loss: The Daily Routine of Healthy People

    24 Hours of Weight Loss: The Daily Routine of Healthy People

    We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. The best way to get lasting results when it comes to weight loss is to modify your lifestyle one manageable step at a time. So forget about attempting to do everything at once or trying to rely soley on willpower to pull you through. Just take it one moment at a time. And that’s also what healthy people do. A day in the life of a healthy individual truly is unique in some very important ways. Here’s how they do it: 24 hours of healthy living you can follow to see even more results on the scale.

  8. 11 Ways to Debloat Fast So You Can Keep Going Strong

    11 Ways to Debloat Fast So You Can Keep Going Strong

    When you’re trying to lose weight, suddenly feeling like you’re pants are squeezing two sizes too tight overnight is a pretty awful feeling. It can easily be confused with weight gain, too, which can leave you feeling discouraged and down.

    But before your spirits fall too far, try one of our 11 ways to debloat fast so you can keep going strong.

  9. 14 Foods to Help You Deal with Mood Swings

    14 Foods to Help You Deal with Mood Swings

    Mood swings: We all have them. They’re a part of life. And that’s okay.But did you know there are actually foods you can eat when you’re feeling tired and low-energy? And that there are foods you can munch on when you’re feeling overly-energetic that will soothe you and help you relax? We compiled a list of 7 foods to eat for energy...and 7 you should eat to help chill you out. 

  10. 6 Small Lifestyle Changes That Can Make a Big Impact

    Every year people vow to make drastic changes to their lifestyle to improve their health. Many make promises to themselves to go to the gym three days each week, some say they’ll never eat their temptation food again, and a lot of people try to eat healthier and decide to go on a diet to lose weight.

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