You've probably heard of weight loss drugs like Wegovy or Ozempic, which are popular with celebrities like Oprah. Manufacturers tout their effectiveness in helping people who have struggled to lose weight shed unwanted pounds.
If you decide to try them, how can you improve the chance these drugs will help your weight loss journey in the long run?
Many of us set out on a weight loss journey with all the passion, commitment, and dedication we need to succeed.
But then a day comes where we inevitably fall off the wagon and relapse into old poor eating habits, forgo our fitness classes, and just, kind of, give up.
What can you do to make it easier to jump back up on the wagon?
The busy holiday traveling season is right around the corner.
And, if you’re like the millions of Americans who plan on hopping on a plane and heading home for the holidays or on a vacation, it doesn’t mean you have to give up on your weight loss goals.
It's not impossible to stay committed to your healthy eating and fitness routine event when your bags are packed and you're ready to go.
When you embark on a weight loss journey, you may find yourself focusing solely on one thing: the scale.
It’s easy to get hung up on that number and feel frustrated when it doesn’t budge, no matter how hard you try. While the pounds do play a part, they don’t tell the complete story, not by a long shot.
Let's explore why scales don’t give the full picture and additional ways to track your progress for a more comprehensive understanding of just how far you’ve come.
Most diets focus on restricting your eating by cutting out things like refined sugars, carbohydrates, fat content, etc. And while reducing your intake of those things can aid in weight loss*, the constant restriction can also make it more challenging to stay dedicated and consistent.
Another practical approach is to allow some of the foods you enjoy most while focusing on portion control instead. Portion control is when you focus on the amount of food you’re eating and adjust it according to your calorie and nutritional goals.
Applying some simple routine tips to your meal portion control can go a long way toward helping you reach your goals!
The evening brings a unique set of challenges to weight loss goals. It’s often the time when we sit down and unwind, which can bring a certain amount of temptation to munch on unhealthy snacks or drink too many adult beverages.
Here are some much better ways to spend your downtime to set yourself up for success tomorrow! Try some of these simple nighttime tips to keep yourself on track and ensure you meet and maintain your weight loss goals.
How often do you find yourself scarfing down a meal without ever really stopping to think about how the food actually tastes?
Whether it’s a steak dinner at a restaurant with friends, munching a wrap while rushing to a meeting, snacking on nuts between meals, or even eating a sandwich during your lunch hour, many of us don’t take the time to slow down and enjoy our food. And unfortunately, rushing through meals that way means it is unlikely we are giving our brains enough time to register that we’re full — which may lead to overeating and subsequent weight gain.
There's a simple thing you can start doing to make sure you slow down and thinking about what you're eating.
Sometimes we set out with the best intentions in life, but find ourselves facing barriers that work against us, making a task or goal seem difficult or almost impossible.
That’s true in many areas, one of which is certainly weight loss. Thankfully, though, many of those hurdles are simply perceptions — and perceptions can always change.
Sometimes bad habits are created when we are young and unless we choose to change them, are hardwired to last a lifetime. Those old routines can sometimes feel impossible to override while attempting to create healthier habits.
Here are 3 simple ways to incorporate new healthier habits into your daily life while kicking those old ones to the curb!
Ah, the late night snack — 9 p.m. rolls around, you find yourself a bit bored, mindlessly wandering into the kitchen, opening the cupboard or fridge and grabbing a handful of chips or a cookie.
For many of us, it’s a familiar routine.
Nighttime eating or snacking is a tough habit to break, but we can help you make a change!
The most critical component of weight loss is eating a clean, healthy diet that controls for calorie and portion control. If you’re leveraging one of Diet-to-Go’s healthy meal plans, you’re already on your way to losing weight and seeing results.* But fitness is a big part of it too. One great way to get active is by setting and focusing on a daily step goal.
It’s Sunday evening. Your pants feel tight. You’re not loving what you see in the mirror. You’re not feeling great about your choices that past weekend. You think to yourself, “You know what, it’s time. I’m going to lose weight and get my life back under control.”
Your diet…when it was all shiny and new, things were going great! But now that the initial excitement has faded a bit, or after months of repetition, you’re just plain bored. No worries. It happens to the best of us. Don’t throw in the towel! Try these changes to reinvigorate your efforts and bring new zest to your healthy lifestyle!
One of the best ways to motivate yourself along the way to your goal is with awesome rewards! But it doesn't make much sense to reward yourself for avoiding splurges like ice cream by celebrating over a pint of brownie batter, does it? (This is the part where you enthusiastically agree - I know <groan>).
While brownie batter is not a great reward for sticking to your plan (boo), THESE ARE! Check out these fantastic, Diet-to-Go-approved, non-food rewards for reaching your next milestone.
We know that movies are a great way to stay entertained, and that they’re perfect for curling up on the couch with a healthy snack and relaxing on a Friday night.
Believe it or not, movies can also be a place to find inspiration for our weight loss journeys — as long as we know what to look for.
You’ve met them. The co-worker juicing for a month straight. The cousin who works out two hours a day. The friend who’s always on the latest (and weirdest) Hollywood regimen.
They’re all going to the extremes to lose weight – and the thing is? They’re doing it all wrong.
It’s a new year, and that means a whole lot of new weird and wacky trends popping up online promising you new ways to lose weight and get fit and healthy. Some of them aren’t too bad, but others are way out in left field.
Here are five of the most outlandish, which are sure to gain some serious popularity in the coming year.
We all have different reasons for wanting to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, but we all have one thing in common. Whether we are looking to lose a little or a lot, to get ready for an event or to maintain a life-long healthy diet, setting proper goals is essential to our success.
Without proper goals (and the tools to stick to them) we’ll never get where we want. Have you set a SMART weight-loss goal? And are you documenting your progress to stay on track? Here’s how to get started:
Congratulations on Your Selection of Our Balance Meal Plan! The Balance Menu is our most popular plan and was developed by nutritionists and chefs to not only be healthy and delicious, but is also proven to help you lose weight!
Everyone wants a faster metabolism, right? Faster metabolism = more calorie burn = weight loss. Forget what might be slowing you down - here's a metabolism-boosting checklist that will get you burning calories in no time!